
Think:  shoes, gloves, hat.   Think:  exercised, trimed, toned, skilled. Think:  purposeful, aligned, ready-made. Think:  friend, complement, partner, teammate. explore your aspirations;  get to the very edge of your capabilities;  lean-forward. FulfIllmenT

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In hierarchical systems, the “top dog” calls the shots. It’s an intense responsibility, especially when keeping the needs of an organization, of the individual employees, and of those waiting on…

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Some things become clear when the contrast is turned up. Any photographer knows how to manipulate the contrast in an image to highlight, to shadow, to bring dimensionality to the…

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On board

Just as the transition from the dock to a boat is one with far-reaching changes in expectations, so the lunge into regular, online public commentary signals a move from obscurity…

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