Dispense v Overflow

Depending whether one believes hope is rare and exhaustible, or is abundant and replenishable will determine how interactions with others, especially strangers, are pursued.

Yes, there can be limits to supply. Mostly, these are transitory. Or, a different supplier is needed.

In a season of uncertainty, once can chose to adopt a personal compass that points North, where an external reference of gratitude, appreciation, and hope stays fixed. There is more where that came from.

Mike Berens

Arizona’s “can do” culture resonates well with me, and has for over 60 years. The citizens’ accommodating attitudes towards creativity, entrepreneurship, and courageous-yet-respectful explorations foster communities of compassionate growth populated by agents of change. The various ecosystems and landscapes of the Southwest are beautiful and inspiring. Greatly bolstered by the companionship of my bride of over 4 decades and the wonder of my extended family, I live a charmed life. My professional work as a translational cancer scientist brings deep fulfillment as I apply leading edge genomic technology to understand human disease, mentor junior scientists, and engage with interdisciplinary teams. My days are filled with work and wonder.